
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Trenton, Ontario

At 7:00am yesterday, we were waiting with several other boats to go into the last lock of the Oswego Canal and out into Lake Ontario. We locked through, pulled in our fenders and headed for Ontario. The lake was calm - seas less than 2 feet - and there was a nice breeze.

We passed between Duck Island and False Duck Island, and went into the Upper Gap. We actually traveled about 20 miles through the waterway to get to Trenton. The scenery was gorgeous... rolling hills, homes and farmland, lots of sailboats out enjoying the breeze.

We arrived in Trenton around 5:30 and cleared customs. We were all pretty pooped. Our dockmaster recommended a wonderful place for dinner within short walking distance. As we sat in our booth, we all noted that we were "still on the water". By the end of dinner, we were still swaying but not as bad.

From what we have seen so far, Trenton is a very interesting little place. We will explore today and get back to you on that. Tomorrow morning we are hoping to check out their farmer's market before we head into the Trent-Severn Canal.

Where our visitors from last night were gathered

Waiting for the lock to open

Steve brought me flowers yesterday

Heading into the lock

Ryder is supervising, of course

Becca is a pro on the locks now

Parting shots of Oswego

The breakwater and lighthouse for Oswego

It was a little rocky from time to time

When we rocked, Ryder would throw out the back legs (and sometimes slide)

Out in Lake Ontario

Land ho!

Ontario is beautiful!

We have our "quarantine" flag up - meaning we haven't cleared Customs

This is called "Snake Island" - it's covered with birds.

This is Belleville, Ontario - we passed it on the way in

Coming into Trenton

A cool mural close to the marina

This restaurant was fabulous!

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