
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving in New Orleans

Rebecca arrived Wednesday morning and Chris arrived late Wednesday night. We slept in a little and then had Thanksgiving dinner at the local yacht club and then walked around the French Quarter. There's just no way to explain the French Quarter of New Orleans - you just have to go there. Luckily I took lots of photos.

It's like they knew we were coming!

It's actually morning here. So good to see Becca!

Almost midnight but he's still smiling!

The Yacht Club is on Lake Ponchartrain.

The boathouses you can see have living quarters on the top floor. Some were very nice!

We got there early for Thanksgiving dinner, so Rebecca and Chris looked for a geo-cache.

A geo-cache is a little container that someone hides. It has trinkets in it. You find it with a special app for your phone and your phone's gps. It gets you close and then you just have to look. This one was in the bush.

The Yacht Club.

Sailboats racing during lunch.

Now to the French Quarter...

Diane, this is for you and Alex.

We loved the live music everywhere!

There are three trolley lines in New Orleans

This is a tavern in an old blacksmith shop.

These signs were embedded in the sides of buildings on the corners. New Orleans is a very old place!

A private home. The sign says, "Be Nice or Leave"

The terrace at Pat O'Brien's.

Having a hurricane

Preservation Hall - home of awesome jazz!

It's been a long day!