
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pappy, Sa and the Wisconsin

Pappy (my dad) and Sa came to visit us as we were finishing up our Looper rendezvous. They brought me a pound cake and some vegetables from his garden (yum!) This is a busy area, and we have enjoyed sitting on the flybridge watching the boats and people go by. Last night we saw some young people go by to board the charter sailboat here at our marina. High heels and really short dresses are an interesting choice for a sailboat cruise.

We had a great day touring the Hampton Roads Naval Museum and the battleship Wisconsin. They had some beautiful artifacts and wonderful displays that took you from the very beginnings of the American Navy to present day.

The USS Wisconsin is next to the museum. Everything that could be used on a currently serving ship has been removed, as well as anything classified or sensitive. It has to be well-maintained, however, because it could be called back to active service if needed.

Today we head for Hampton, VA. Our guide book says that this is the oldest English-speaking town in America.

Getting into "boat mode"

A statue in the museum garden

You really understand how big the crew is when you see them on the deck.

Sa in the captain's chair

We decided this was a little too tight for us

Sorry about the flash.

A flying machine!

This ship had a kangaroo mascot

This door was about 18" thick

Check the size of this chain!

The crew would sleep on the deck when it was hot

A Blue Angel static display

This is the anchor line

The Wisconsin saw action in WWII, Korea and Gulf I

Sa as a mermaid

Me as a mermaid

1700's era battleship

I thought this was beautiful

Each of these yellow crosses is a sunk merchant ship during WWII

I think this is my favorite mermaid

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