
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Annapolis, Day 2

We woke up to boats leaving the marina in droves! It was the first big weekend of the summer, and the Saturday after graduation at the Naval Academy.

Bruce picked us up and took us on a whirlwind tour of the Annapolis and the Academy. The whole town was buzzing with people and excitement. There were midshipmen here and there in their dress uniforms, and we saw an imminent wedding outside the chapel.

One very interesting stop was the Dutch Market. It is a large store in a strip mall where Pennsylvania Dutch families come to sell their goods. I bought some wonderful sausages and meats and a pumpkin roll... yummmm! There is a restaurant inside, where they serve traditional dishes. We didn't have time to eat there, but I stepped in to take pictures of the murals they have painted on the walls. The murals reflect the four seasons of the year in their beautiful farmland.

We made a quick stop by the commissary, and then Bruce brought us back to the boat. He was picking up his wife, Pat, at the airport. The two of them picked us up for dinner, along with their daughter, Shelly. We drove to a restaurant in one of the first airplane commuter communities. The homes all had small hangars that faced a grass runway. There was an old poster in the restaurant that advertised the lots for $450!

Bruce will be riding his Harley today in a very large (thousands) gathering of bikers through the streets of Washington D.C. to honor Prisoners of War and Missing in Action. He tells us that there is a retired senior enlisted soldier who will hold a sharp salute for the 4 hours or so that it takes for all the bikes to pass him. An amazing tribute!

We will leave this morning to get on up the waterway. Our goal is to be at the end of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal on Wednesday and leave the boat there while we go home for Chris' graduation and Olivia's birthday.

Going out in the morning

They kept coming like this for over an hour

If I only had room on the boat....

A WWII memorial near the Naval Academy gate

Viewed from the side of the above monument

Home of the Commandant of the Naval Academy

The officer's houses were all decorated for graduation

Roger Staubach memorabilia

Just threw this in for fun

Looking across "ego alley" - where boaters show off their skills.

Looking across the river to Annapolis

The site of old Fort Horn - where colonists fought with Lafayette

Kentmorr Restaurant

Beth, Steve, Pat, Shelly and Bruce

Another one just for fun

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