OK, so the last blog had some missing items and a glaring error: You never got the photos of Ryder's out-of-control day and I totally lost Sunday.
I'm having trouble with my computer not wanting to upload photos. After 4 attempts (arrrggghhh!!!), I finally got most of the photos I wanted and called it good. That left out the Ryder photos, though, so here they are.
Also, we left Deltaville on MONDAY. Speedy and Nanc went to take their grandkids back to Richmond and Steve and I went to the boat. David Brantley, a friend from Richmond, came to see us at the boat. I was pooped and coming down with an ear/throat thing and slept all day. No wonder I lost the whole day. It was a good thing David came to spend the day and have lunch with Steve. Otherwise it would have been a really boring day for him.
We spent the one night at Reedville, then left for Solomons, MD...
There were some truly beautiful homes in Reedville |
This is the Sears mail order house |
In the Fishermen's Museum. This was a floating theater. |
There were lots of wonderful models in this museum, made by local artisans |
A model of one of those fish traps |
This is an old fog horn with leather bellows |
The floating part of the museum |
This one's for you, Elva! |
Ryder went with us to the museum - we took turns going inside |
This was a nice quiet place to sit with Ryder |
An outdoor mach-up for the kids |
Not sure what this was about |
Riding on the side of the dinghy! |
She knew she was caught! Trying to snatch some toast. |
What a bad little dog!