
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back to Chattanooga

We have backtracked from Knoxville toy Chattanooga and we are looking forward to spending a weekend with Chris and Remy. The plan is to see Ruby Falls and Lookout Mountain, and then do some shopping and errands. We will try to find a really cool place for dinner tonight.

The trip back to Chattanooga was lovely. The leaves are becoming more vibrant every day. Since much of what we saw was the same as the trip up, I focused on the leaves for photographs. We met a couple in Knoxville, Bill and Joanne on Annuity, and immediately became friends. They are from Alabama and have been riding the rivers for a month. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them and picking their brains about the local rivers. Bill went through one of our guidebooks with Steve and told him everything we needed to know about the part of our journey from Chattanooga to Mobile Bay. We said goodbye to them Friday but will keep in touch.

It is my good luck that Sonata is here in Chattanooga for the weekend. Charlie and Bonnie also have a 42ft Grand Banks, and they have made some wonderful renovations to their boat. They upgraded the galley, put blinds throughout, and built a beautiful cabinet in the aft cabin. Bonnie has graciously agreed to let me photograph their upgrades for Steve's future reference. She told me that they loved their boat and didn't want a newer one, so they decided to make the one they had more comfortable. I quite agree!

We will post some new news and photos on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

Our new friends Bill and Joanne

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