
We are making the "Great Loop" - up the east coast, through the Great Lakes and into Canada, and then down the Mississippi and around Florida. It promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to join us through our blog.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today's the Day! - Oh Canada

Yesterday we did the laundry/grocery shopping thing that usually happens on a down day. The wind and seas on the north side of the lake were predicted to be more than we wanted. It gave us a chance to wander around a little too, so that was OK.

I really enjoyed looking at the architectural features on the old buildings. Even though some of the buildings were very run-down, you could still see beautiful woodwork and stonework. A few of my favorites are below.

We had a little excitement last night from the pavilion next to our wall. A few men had been sitting and drinking through the afternoon and got louder as night fell - potty-mouths all. They were joined after dark by a group of teenagers who were also loud and foul-mouthed. We went on to bed, and after a time heard a thumping noise on the deck. Steve ran out to find that a line had been untied and thrown on the deck and the teenagers gone. A little disturbing, but no further excitement.

We are leaving today for Canada. It will be a long trip across Lake Ontario. We checked yesterday with Verizon and it would be horribly expensive to use our hot-spot in Canada. I will update as I can using Wifi. The adventure continues! The captain is ready to go, so no captions - but at least the photos are up.

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